Multiport Rotary Valve


The J&H Multiport Rotary valve is the latest line of specialty valve designed to meet the needs of the material processing industries.  Rotary valves are used to direct a flow of material into one of  several discharge ports.  An internal rotary chute is rotated around to send the material into the required port. The adaptable features and operation means that this valve can be used for many different product materials in a wide range of industries.

Industrial equipment expertise from J&H and controls expertise from AUMA® actuators has combined to make a valve that is efficient, simple, and robust.  AUMA’s programmable AC02.1 actuator controller is what has made this design possible. Since all of the controls, positioning, limit settings, and connections are in the actuator, the design for the valve itself could be optimized to a basic, efficient shape for ease of fabrication and use.

The controller uses digital inputs to tell the internal chute what position to move into.  This means that the plant operator or DCS is who is in control of this valve.  The selection of the next position does not have to be sequential or in any particular direction.  Where the valve needs to be positioned is up to the needs of the plant and where the material needs to go next.  This can be manually operated or automated depending on the sophistication of your plant operating system.  If you are directing material into different plants or different plant processes that operate at varying rates, the position for the slowest process can be periodically skipped over or reduced without slowing down the processes that need more material or are operating at a faster rate.  This helps to maintain the optimal distribution of the valuable product material.

The J&H Multiport Rotary valve is designed for simplicity and ease of use.  Large access doors provide unfettered access to the interior of the valve for any kind of general maintenance or inspection.  J&H has been a leading supplier of industrial material processing valves and the Multiport Rotary valve will be a great addition to our Material Diverter and Stream Splitter that have been a staple of the J&H product line for many years.

To view the Multiport Rotary Valve brochure click here.  For information on other types of J&H Valves click here